Small Business & Video Marketing

By Published On: April 25, 2022

5 Reasons for Small Businesses to Invest in Video Marketing

Small businesses are the heart of American industry, making up 98% of all US employers. One thing is for sure, as a small business owner, you’re always looking for ways to get ahead of the competition and attract new customers. 

One of the most effective and affordable methods to grow your small business is video marketing. 86% of marketers report that video is highly effective in generating leads. That number is up 2% from 2021 and up 5% since 2019.

Video marketing can be a vital tool, from creating short promotional clips to longer instructional videos that educate potential customers about your business. The value in such videos is undeniable, with over 88% of viewers swayed to make a purchase!

This guide will discuss the top five reasons video marketing is a powerful tool for small businesses to stand out from the competition and grow their customer base. Whether you’re just starting or have already been using video marketing for some time, these tips will help you get more out of your investment.

  1. Videos are an Engaging and Eye-Catching Medium

In today’s digital world, people are bombarded with content from all sides. To stand out, you need to create content that is not only informative but also engaging and visually appealing. Video is the perfect medium for accomplishing this.

Video lets you showcase your products, services, and brand identity in a dynamic way that keeps viewers interested: 

  • Show off the personality of your business and its team members 
  • Create product demonstrations 
  • Produce tutorials to help customers learn more about what you have to offer

Although video content is very prevalent online, there is no reason to worry. People are increasingly spending more time on Youtube, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Facebook Stories, etc. The amount of views online has almost doubled since 2018. An average person will spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos in 2022.

  • 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day
  • Studies show that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support


  1. Videos Are Shareable and Easy to Distribute

Videos are easy to share, and they can quickly gain traction. Once you’ve created your video, whether for YouTube or another platform, there are many ways to advertise online. You can post links to your videos on social media, send them to your email subscribers, embed them on your website or blog, etc.

  • 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others
  • Social videos get 12 times more shares than text and images combined

This means that you can reach many potential customers by just creating one video and posting it in various places. And since videos are so shareable, they can also help increase your brand awareness, as viewers may share your content with others who may not have heard of your business before.

  1. Videos are Versatile and Can Be Used in Different Ways

The versatility of video marketing is vast, from promoting a new product or service to providing customer testimonials or demonstrating how to use your products. You can also create informative videos that educate potential customers about what you have to offer, whether information about a new product or service or the benefits of working with your business. For example, suppose you own a restaurant. In that case, you might create videos demonstrating how to make a new dish, promoting a special event or menu, or featuring customer testimonials.

  • ​​Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in the text 
  • 52% of viewers watch a video all the way through, and only 25% finish watching a video if it’s 20 minutes or more
  1. Videos Offer a Great Return on Investment

Relatively affordable to produce and distribute, video marketing offers a fantastic return on investment compared to other marketing options. Of course, they help you reach more people and grow your customer base. Still, they can provide an excellent ROI based on the number of viewers who click through to your website or subscribe to your email list.

  • 89% of video marketers say video gives them a good ROI, 83% of video marketers say video helps them with lead generation, and 87% of video marketers say video has increased traffic to their website
  1. You Can Measure Your Success

It can be challenging to determine how well you’re doing with other marketing methods. However, videos make it easy to track your results and measure the success of your campaigns. In addition, most video platforms allow you to see detailed information about who’s watching your content, including where they come from, how long they watch, and more.

This gives you valuable insights into your audience and how to reach them, letting you tailor your content and campaigns accordingly. Additionally, some video platforms offer tools that let you see how many viewers watch a particular part of your video, which makes it even easier to track the success of specific pieces of content or campaigns.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to invest in video marketing for your small business. You will be able to:

  • reach more potential customers
  • grow your customer base
  • track your results and ensure that your campaigns are successful

If you’re not already using video marketing, now is the time to start. It’s an affordable, effective way to reach your target audience and promote your business.